Welcome to Lakeview Health Office Website!

Mariana Vyksyuk, M.S., RN, Certified School Nurse
Jaclyn Katinski, BSN, RN, CSN
Lakeview school health office, Telephone: 973– 983-6540 ext. 2
Health office fax: 973-366-1957
Main office fax: 973-366-4345
Attendance: Reporting Absences 
BE SURE TO NOTIFY THE SCHOOL NURSE IF YOUR CHILD WILL BE ABSENT FROM SCHOOL. We make every attempt to account for every child’s safety, please notify us before the school day begins if your child is not coming in, or even if he/she will be tardy. Call (973) 983-6540 then dial 2, any time during the day or night, before the school day begins, and leave a message.
Kindergarten or new student registration.
If you are registering your child to enter Lakeview School as a Kindergartener or new student, please bring a complete record of immunizations and a recent physical exam report with you when you register. Your child's registration is not complete until these items are received and reviewed by the School Nurse. Thank you.
Medications in School

If your child requires medications during the school day, the following requirements must be met to comply with Board of Education Policy:
- All medications, prescription or over-the-counter, require a written order from your child’s physician. The order must include the child’s name, the name of the medication, the reason for the medication, as well as the time to be administered and the dosage to be given.
- The medication must be in the original container with the pharmacy label stating the child’s name, the name of the medication and the correct dosage as written by the physician’s order. Over-the-counter medications must also be in the original package.
- If a child is diagnosed with a life-threatening allergy, asthma or seizure appropriate paper work must be filled out by primary physician and parent or guardian. (All forms are available in the Lakeview Health Office or school website)
- Please do not send your child to school with medicines or supplements in his/her lunch box or backpack. It is not safe and will not be allowed at any time.
Students with illness. 
- If a child is sent home with a fever, he/she is expected to remain home a full 24 hours, fever- free without fever-reducing medication, before returning to school.
- If a child vomits during the night, please do not send him/her to school that day. If your child vomits in school, we will call you for pick up rather than sending him or her home on the bus.
- If a child has been diagnosed with Strep throat, our district policy requires that he/she must be on medication a full 24 hours before returning to school.
Daily snacks.
- Please send your child to school with a health snack every day, even on minimum days.
- If you were notified that your child's classroom was designated as a peanut/nut free zone, do not send any snacks with peanuts or nuts and make sure they are manufactured in a peanut free facility.
Excuse from physical education. 
- If your child is not able to participate in physical education due to an injury or illness, a physicians note must be sent to the Health Office prior to the day/or the morning of the student returning to school.
- A parent note is only valid for a student to be excused from one day of physical education. The student will not be excused after one day unless a physician note is obtained. No more then two parent excuses per year are allowed.
- If your child has crutches, a boot, ace bandage, or any of the kind, please call the health office ahead of time to alert the staff so we may accommodate the student's needs accordingly.
- Please notify health office staff of any injury or illness restrictions for your child.
- Good communication is our goal for the health and safety of our students.
Useful Tips for Summer Safety
Sun safety
Water safety
Heat illness
What you need to know about Asthma
Asthma Triggers
Asthma Fast Facts for Kids
Asthma and Flu
Information about the Flu and Prevention
Prevention with flu vaccine.
Signs and symptoms of concussion
Healthy diet and weight
Tips for Parents – Ideas to Help Children and Maintain a Healthy Weight
Healthy eating
Healthy drinks for kids
Head Lice Are Not Nice
General information and treatment of head lice
CDC Information on Ticks
Preventing tick bites
How to remove a tick
Chicken Pox (Varicella)
What parents need to know about chicken pox
New Jersey Family Care for those without medical insurance
NJ Family Care