Message from the Director

Welcome!  The Department of Special Services for the Denville Township School District is committed to working with all teachers, staff, parents, and students to provide individualized programs and services for children in need.  All three of our schools offer full Child Study Team evaluation services to identify students eligible for special education and related services.  The Child Study Team is comprised of a multidisciplinary team, including, a learning disabilities teacher-consultant (LDT-C), school psychologist, and school social worker.  When a student is evaluated in preschool, a speech-language pathologist is also included as a member of the evaluation team.  When there are concerns that a child may have a disability, parents, teachers, and staff should refer the child for an evaluation.  

For students eligible for special education and related services, we offer a continuum of programs to ensure each student receives an appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. Whenever possible, students’ needs are met within the general education classroom with supplementary aids and services or in-class resource programs.  For students requiring more specialized instruction and supports, we offer pull-out replacement resource center instruction and special class programs.  Decisions about a student’s individualized education program (IEP) are always made collectively by the IEP team including the parents, Child Study Team case manager, general education teacher, special education teacher, and related service providers.  Other participants may also join the team when needed.

A home-school partnership is key to student success.  I encourage parents to maintain ongoing communication with the teachers and staff working with your child.  I am happy to serve the Denville Township School District and your questions and feedback are always welcome.  You may contact me at [email protected]rg or 973-983-6549.

Grace Johnson

Director of Special Services

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