Denville Township School District
New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS)
New Jersey Department of Education

The three tiers of supports and interventions are bolstered by effective school and district leadership committed to the implementation of the system, a positive school culture and climate that is conducive for learning, and family and community engagement in the development and implementation of the framework. Across all tiers, some students may require accommodations that provide access to instruction. These supports are not contingent upon a student’s level of instructional support but are necessary to access content and achieve meaningful participation in the instruction.
Tier 1 provides high-quality learning environments, evidence-based curricular and instructional practices, and a continuum of supports and interventions in general education classrooms, delivered with fidelity by trained teachers with the support of other professionals.
Tier 2 provides supplemental supports and interventions that may be delivered in small-group instruction, provided in either the general classroom or during an intervention period. Interventions include evidence-based instructional practices and interventions that increase in intensity, frequency and duration based upon the review of data during regular progress monitoring intervals.
Tier 3 provides intensive supports and interventions that may be delivered individually and provided in or outside of the classroom after the delivery of core instruction. Tier 3 may include replacement instruction. There may be adaptations of supports and interventions based on an individual student’s performance using data that are reviewed during frequent progress monitoring intervals.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports are provided through the TSS process. Tier 3 supports are provided through the TSS process and if applicable, through Special Education Services. Please review the Denville Township School District RTI Pyramid of Tiered Interventions for specific supports in each tier.
Family & Staff Resources: Please visit the following NJ DOE website for more information surrounding the core components of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and the three tier prevention logic of Response to Intervention (RTI).
Denville Township Tiered System of Supports – TSS Process
(Formerly known as I&RS)
The TSS process is a way for teachers to respond to the diverse educational needs of students within their classrooms. A building-based team is developed to plan and discuss additional strategies for teachers and supports for students. Our mission is to best meet individual student learning styles and drive student growth and progress through a targeted, data-driven approach to student support. Referral to the TSS team is a proactive response to concerns about student progress.
Family & Staff Resources: For more information on the TSS Process for Denville Township Schools, please watch our Tiered System of Supports Overview. You can also visit the following NJ DOE website for information and resources to support the effective implementation of the I&RS/TSS regulations:
Denville TSS Coordinators:
Lakeview – Jennifer Cuff, Amy Daley, Sarah Riley & Carly Thomas
Riverview – Adrienne Dell'Aquila, Lisa Paradiso, Trish Schell & Laurie Smith
Valleyview – Leanne Foth, Jody McDonald, Emily Protasiewicz & Morgan Kane
Basic Skills Intervention: Program Philosophy
The ultimate goal of Basic Skills Intervention, better known as BSI, is to support the student’s mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. New concepts are introduced throughout the school year. BSI supports students in learning these new concepts, as well as the review and reinforcement of skills not yet mastered.
Student Eligibility: Identifying students for the Basic Skills Intervention program is based on the following criteria: Referral through the Tiered System of Supports, along with grade level benchmark assessments, report card grades, student work samples, and overall student progress. BSI teachers work closely with the student’s homeroom teacher. When the student has achieved proficiency in their Math or English Language Arts goals, the teachers together will decide if the student needs continued support through BSI.
Family & Staff Resources: Families are encouraged to support their children at home. This includes 20 minutes of reading and support with any homework activities sent home on a particular night. (Please keep in mind, at the elementary level - each content area should take no longer than 20 minutes for the student to complete.) Another helpful tool is to reinforce academics through the use of family/student friendly educational websites. Here are just a few of the many websites that can assist students:
- Reflex Math, DreamBox Math, Prodigy, Learning A-Z, Raz-Kids
Denville Interventionists:
Jennifer Cuff- Math Interventionist
Huong Tran & Sarah Riley- ELA Interventionists
Denise Jacob- Reading Specialist
Trish Schell- ELA/Math Interventionist
Iris Berger & Collette Jancerak- Reading Specialists
Lisa Schwarz- ELA/Math Interventionist
Nicole Ryan- Reading Specialist
English Language Learner Services
English Language Learners (ELLs) within the student population are provided with access to grade-level content, while learning English. Students are provided with broad-based learning opportunities through pull-out instruction, as well as push-in instruction with our certified ESL teachers.
Family & Staff Resources: Please visit the following NJ DOE website for more information, resources, and family engagement opportunities:
Denville ESL Staff:
Lakeview – Gina Cordero
Riverview & Valleyview – Gulten Karakus
Assistant Superintendent - Curriculum & Instruction: Dr. Sandra Cullis
Contact Information: (973) 983-6545 x 4407; [email protected]
Director of Special Services: Mrs. Grace Johnson
Contact Information: (973) 983-6549 x 8403; [email protected]
Supervisors of Support Services:
Mr. Todd McCabe (ESL) (973) 983-6545 x 7402; [email protected]
Mrs. Patricia Huizing (TSS) [email protected]